WILLIAM LEVY mourns the passing of Ed Dorn, Gunslinger: an obituary for America Gregory Corso at 70: DANA COOK gathers quiver of Love Arrows for our greatest lyric poet Watch the miracle of sex building a person in CRISTINA CORDOVA'S chronology of love Oh city, dance and prosody, you are JEN HOFER, poet, translator, linguist, and adventurer REBECCA BYRKIT brings Greece to her worshipful knees unlike Byron, brought to his knees by Greece! The great Surrealist GELLU NAUM brought forth from the endlessly self-renewing fountain of Romanian surrealism by Julian Semilian EUGEN JEBELEANU, master of the outraged epic, resurgent in a new translation by Matthew J. Zapruder and Radu Ioanid! YOUSSEF ALAOUI demonstrates the right way to pray to Allah! CLAUDIA GRINNELL out of the prisonhouse of language! On bail in cyberspace! MICHAEL COLLINS in private congress with Dr. Alzheimer! VVIENNE BEGG in Dada-mode makes machine soft! IRA COHEN: his master's inimitable script! Most women in love have guns in France! Read GWYNNE GARFINKLE for details! JANET MASON's outrageous lesbian threesome! Call Reverend Falwell! More sexually illicit, call-out-the-moral-squad provocations by LAUREN HALBRIGHTER! MIKE GOLDEN thinks there should be another word for pussy! GREG KOOS has a dim view of human ecology! JOE KNOEPFLER delivers ironic and angry blow to OPEC and to Average Americans! KAT BRADLEY BENNETT Copper Rock PETER MELCHIOR tries to sneak nice human beings & nostalgia into Corpse! And we let him! More Toppoems from MIKE TOPP! We announce a toppoem contest: first prize for a toppoem not written by Topp! The Jews achieve haiku in DAVID SHEVIN's Haiju! The Cybercorpse's own REX ROSE bursts on the poetry scene with heart-felt bitter lyrics in the New Orleans Zen school manner! VINCENT FARNSWORTH , the sage of Prague, ranges over geography and the human heart like the Vltava in a storm! MICHAEL DIAMOND, hot on the trail of Shevi's HiAju, tears the cover off the orgy of cy-ku! Cyberspace is riddled with Haiku! LARRY SAWYER tries on the lyric self! Viva Corso! ANDY YOUNG in nymphic-lyric splendour fills the Corpse with Glee! Out of the Rubik Cube of Russia rise the compex strains of SERGEY GANDLEVSKY in the somber English of PHILIP METRES! ANNEKE VYNSTYN knows that "Your girl loves my lesbian to suck your cock!" That means you. You know who you are! Don't play games with the Corpse! DANIEL M. NESTER's maternal impressions are redolent of mother's milk and may cause a run on the stuff! DAVE BRINKS returns with more Snow Poems to chill deliciously our overfermented busyness! RAVI SINGH is a highly evolved spiritual master who knows exactly where the pipes of earthly love hook up with the faucets of eternity! And vice-versa. SAL SALASIN was a sick man! He cured himself with verse! Our readers read & respond with occasional replies from the masthead! |
The Corpse's own REFINERY DESIGN COMPANY pitches in on the Presidential Race! The Poet Laureate of San Francisco, Master LAWRENCE FERLINGHETTI on the State of Poetry! NICK BROMELL rips the cover off one of the grand motives for creation! Envy! A multi-lingual, post-national bouquet of thorns from CALIN-ANDREI MIHAILESCU! The uncanny sixth-sense of D. GRAHAM BURNETT in the post-Oscar days! GWEN ALBERT is sick of the shit in the movies! Medulla, an organ for all seasons, donated by LEIF GUSTAVSON! FREDERICK ZACKEL gets inside the American penis like an Amazonian dick fish! HARIETTE SUROVELL, America's premier ranter, praises the genre! HEATH ATCHLEY counts down the Apocalyptic days with a scalpel and an attitude! Fucking dogs on the Internet and the New Amercan Economy, investigated by CURTIS WHITE! Profoundly philosophical stories of identity-disorder by JULIA OLDER! SIMON ELLIS's complete hypertext novel in Corpse premiere! DR. MENLO .com considers future love! In blissful collaborative corpsiosity, ISABEL SADURNI & JAMIE BRISICK renew the coupling dearest to the Corpse! The inner life of KIMBERLY TOWNSEND PALMER divided into vignettes for the general public! Extra! JEFF BARNOSKY claims that Jesus Hates a Smartass! An Italian Proustian texturist, GUILLERMO FADANELLI, rendered edible by MATT MADDEN and YOLANDA MARTINEZ! Family Life in WYATT J. BONIKOWSKI's telling is a picnic with lots of bugs! The Corpse believes in Family Values! A Series of Perfectly Reasonable Morpheme Tales by CURT HOPKINS! SUMMER BRENNER takes notes from daily life like a goddess picking grapes! A sizzling tale of love billboard-style by MARK BOROWSKY! Mark Twain possesses a woman in her bathrobe in this story of graduate angst by MIRIAM SEIDEL! TERESA BERGEN's stunning contribution to the Greyhound Bus genre! JACK McENANY torments the dictionary with sado-masochistic voluptousness! An insomniac wrestles the Oedipus-complex in this tale of night-sweats by RED SLIDER! Ripped screaming from life, SHAMROCK McSHANE's overheard dialogues! Lenin is Back! You can't keep a good Corpse down in these two tales of crypt-busting: Mr. L. by MARK BUDMAN and My Russian Years, by JEFF BARNOSKY! Our delightful, suspensful Serial Novels continue! What are the demented islanders in MARK SPITZER's Chum up to now? What is Madame Tingley's Organ? TERESA BERGEN will tell you -- slowly, maddeningly! Are ANDREW WILSON's people clever or are they just trying to drive us crazy? Are twelve centuries under the sign of the crowd capable of shifting us off our axis? MAURICIO MONTIEL FIGUEIRAS continues his tale of intellect & larceny in JEN HOFER's splendid transdulcing! SHELLEY BERC's girl Dante continues her descent in Dante, A Girl's Guide to the Inferno! JULIAN SEMILIAN's Skeuromorph Detective continues unravelling the clues to a case as old as language! |
been thouroghly remodeled and is now reopened for business. Bring your
words and your wit. The webmistress reserves the right to throw out
all bores. JACK COLLOM , gentleman and spy, rips this fresh dispatch from Boulder, Colorado! WILLIAM LEVY speaks for a generation when he pitilessly transcribes these confessions of a failed dealer from Amsterdam! C.A. CONRAD has gone to the heart of the Elvis phenom to bring this news to the Corpse! In Hickville, USA, noise has risen to the chorus-like dimensions of tragedy! CATHRYN HANKLA scores it! DR. STEFAN G. KERTESZ reports from inside a Kenyan hospital! JOE MEDEIROS in Hollywood! Dreaming! In the Sticks, NICOLE HUBBARD feeds the appetites of the Corpse with a surprising recipe! In Amman Jordan, JOHN VERLENDEN searches his soul and finds that he is not Jor g Heider! IOANA AVADANI reveals the eerie musics of today's Sarajevo! SUSAN O'NEILL's Diary of her nursing days in Vietnam! MARK WILLIAMS reveals a trans-temporal Texas. EDIE TSONG at the intersection of private & public life! What is a blacksmith? GEORGANNA RUNBLAD's view of working woman! Once
upon a commie Poland, rituals had an eerie quality & life was not quite
as fast! CHRIS ORLET presents the rural
Poland of yesteryear! JEAN GENET nailed the Pope in this unpublished, first-time translated, by Mark Spitzer, drama of Catholic grotesquery! DR. MENLO's film, when it is made, will not be better than his Marijuana Dream # Eggplant as rendered here! MARC ELLIS , a Surrealist attorney, makes a case here for that eminent bourgeois objet, The Hat! IMF battle-- next stop Prague! by GWEN ALBERT & VINCENT FARSNSWORTH Shocking! The true story of murderous women in the drug biz! HARIETTE SUROVELL has infiltrated the underworld for this report! There
is a people's revolution taking place in Ecuador. ROXANNE
DUNBAR-ORITZ has collected the dispatches of many of those involved
for a first-time, unprecedented look at the front line!
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