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The Deatherians
by John O'Keefe


Scene 24

(...special rising on Krator in the Termination Room. Krator is dressed in his lab coat. He is fiddling with a piece of bacon which is hanging on a wire from a small scaffold.)


Torvald, what do you think of my bedside manner? Do you think I am too brisk, too cold, too distant?

(The lights rise on the rest of the room as Torvald enters. Torvald sits at a work table. He is working on something that looks like a remote control device.)


No, Doctor, I admire the way you work with your patients.


Good, because, you know, Torvald, I've been thinking of stepping up things. We go to slow. There are a lot of people to serve out there.

(Krator puts on plastic gloves. .)


But Doctor, we've already increased our terminations to 17 a day.

(Krator lights a propane torch and adjusts the flame so that it begins cooking the bacon.)


I know a dentist who works on four patients at a time. He shoots one in the gum with Novocain, instead of waiting for the drug to kick in, he goes to another patient who is chilling in the nitrous with a root canal. (While the bacon is cooking he takes a spray bottle and puffs a mist of water on the searing bacon and makes it sizzle.) He does a little buzz buzz with that one and goes on to the next, whose ready for an extraction, a little yank yank (He sprays the bacon.) and while the assistant aspirates blood out of the mouth, he goes on to the next who needs a bridge, a little tap tap and he returns to the first. (He sprays the bacon and looks at it with a magnifying glass.) He does this all day. Makes a lot of money, isn't sitting around. I think we could do that, Torvald. I want to have three more rooms prepared. I have been lazy and unfocused. (He opens a jar marked "Medical Mayonnaise".) There's something about this business that does that to you. But if you were to move around, be busy, industrious, why fuck, we could get a lot done.

(As the bacon turns black he begins brushing mayonnaise on it.)


Dr. Krator?


Torvald you're going to say something stupid, aren't you?


What do you mean?


When ever you say my name like that. You got some more hocus pocus for me?


I have created an invention.

(Krator stops brushing mayonnaise on the bacon..)


Something to do with the Diptherians, no doubt.


Deatherians, and yes, it does. It is a Deatherian Spike Detector.

(Krator turns off the Bunsen burner and looks at the bacon through the magnifying glass. The bacon is charred to a crisp.)


Are you trying to annoy me?

(Torvald picks up the device he's been working on and shows it to Krator.)


This device will sense the brain wave in the alpha frequency.

(He points it at Krator.)


Don't point that thing at me.

(Torvald points the device at himself and pushes a button. There is a long whining sound. Krator pulls the rubber band back and carefully aims it at the charred bacon.)


There, you see, I don't have it. (He points it at Krator and pushes the button. There is a series of rapid beeps.) But you do, Hess Krator, don't you see?


What do you think I am, a television?

(Krator releases one end of the rubber band and hits the bacon. The bacon is blown to pieces. He grunts with satisfaction.)


Take this with you and see for yourself.

(Krator pulls off his rubber gloves and looks at his watch.)


What will I see?

(Krator takes off his lab coat and puts on a sports coat.)


The walking dead.


You're really losing it, my friend.

(Krator goes to a drawer and pulls out a fresh pack of his mother's panty hose. He opens it and pulls them out and puts them in his pocket. Torvald extends the device to Krator.)


Take it.


I really don't have time to play with you tonight, or with your toys. (He starts to leave, then turns to Torvald) I would fire you, Torvald, if you weren't so good at your work.

(Krator takes a bite of the bacon and exits. Torvald aims the device at himself. The lights fade as the device whines and Torvald gazes stoically out.)

Scene 25

(The lights rise on Jerry. He is standing of a little box. As he tells the story people pass him and toss a coin in a bucket he's set at the foot of his box. This is done by ONE GUY* who enters, walks past Jerry, tosses the coin in the bucket, exits puts on a new garment or hat and reenters and tosses the coin and exits. This continues while Jerry tells the story.)


...Hades, really the devil, cuz he makes us dead, needed to have pussy, but he had a dead dick and needed live twat, so he went on a twat hunt. He saw Demeter's twat-baring daughter, Persephone, and he knew he wanted that slit. In fact, he was gonna marry it, make some zombies with her. Her mother didn't want her near that Devil, death-man. So she stashed her twat-baring daughter tight so nothing could get her slot. But Hades, which is spelled like "had" as in "been had" but with an "es" as in you been had and had and had went to his brother, dick-baring Zeus who was the big seed-man in the land of the gods and said, "listen, I want to pork Big D's daughter, in fact, I want to marry the cunt, she's gotta lot of life, it gets dark down there, (There is the sound of some one being strangled in the bushes.) want a little candle to cheer me up when I get down; come on, man, you own me, slabbed a lot of flank for you, and Dick-baring Zeus knew that it was true. See, he was the slit's father, porked Demeter's meter like he did so many other. Woo-woo! (There is the sound of someone sawing somebody in half.) So Dick-baring-Zeus gave Hades, the Devil, death-man, the go. So the sweet little slit, completely unsliced was picking blooming sex organs one morning and Devil-Deathman made a big red and yellow twat and when she gave it a pull a big hole came out and swallowed her. (There is blood flying from the bushes and hits Jerry.) Now that he's got her, will she let him uncork her, and he be able to keep her? Woo-woo, stay tuned for the rest and use condoms.

(Krator comes out of the bushes, has arms and hands covered with blood. He's wearing rubber gloves.)


Where's Morivia?


Howling Jesus, you been a busy boy, Dr. Doctor.


Shut the fuck up, where's Morivia now?



Jerry knows. Of course, Jerry knows. Want Jerry to take you to her?


Wait a second.

(He goes into the bushes. We hear sawing. Then silence. Then Krator comes back out. He's carrying bloody plastic bag. Jerry stares at Krator in terror.)


Pretty package.


Shut the fuck up.

(Jerry leads Krator to Morivia.)


Sure. Sure. A man like you needs a guy like me to show him where the good times are. We good together. We're a swell couple of guys. I am like your little chicken bird. I lead you through the dark into deeper dark. I lead you to places that are very icy. I should carry a flag when I walk with you, I am so proud. You are a famous doctor, chief of staff, and I am a lowly tick. I know where the blood is. I can take you there. (He stops in front of the peep show.) 50 guilder.


I want very much to cut something off of you. (He takes hold of Jerry's ear.) There's not much of you is there? How do you always know were Morivia is?


It's Jerry's job. Just like telling stories. I work for the city...freelance. You give Jerry money now?

(Krator bites Jerry on the hump. As Jerry opens his mouth to scream, Krator stuffs the money into Jerry's mouth. He releases him and moves toward the booth. Jerry pulls the money out of his mouth and counts the bills.).


One hundred guilder.

(Hatherdal appears from the shadows and snaps the bills from Jerry's hand. Jerry runs away.)


Scene 26

(Krator is in the middle of an intense dialogue with Morivia.)


What can I do, I find nothing helps me? I can't stop this. Together we are going crazy. Why are you here? Each time I find you, you are in a worse place. I can take you out of there.


Is your world so much better than mine? It's the same world as mine only the maid has cleaned yours up. Do you think the little trees and bugs are nicer than the piss and cum these animals leave on your side of the glass?


If only I could kiss your lips.


I've been thinking about the head. I will be head. I will make my eyes move like this.

(She makes her eyes move around in her head. Krator looks at the cum smeared glass. The stains are even thicker.)


I don't like the look of that cum.


It's good for you. It is of a deep alchemy. There is more misery in it. These men are closer to the man who was your father. Lick these men's cum and you will be more like him.


Like my father?


Yes, already you are like him.


How do you know that?



Do you think I don't see rapists? I see killers. I see necrophiliacs. I see them all. Yes, you are changing. You are getting clearer. Am I not

changing? Step closer to the glass. (Krator steps closer to the glass.) Haven't you noticed?


Noticed what?


The way I look at you. Like I'm watching you. The way your mother did.

(Krator looks up at Morivia. She has, indeed, been watching him. They look at each other for a while.)


You are watching me. But not like my mother. My mother stared at me.


Bring me the left hand of a priest and you will see me stare at you.


Do you remember my name?





There! See! There you go! You don't even remember my name?


It doesn't matter what your name is! Tell me your name.


I fucking won't.



Come on, Peachy, tell me your little name.


Oh, for crying out loud.



Come on, Boopsy, tell me your name.




That's your name?


Hess Krator.


That's an ugly name. You're an ugly guy.


You like ugly guys?


Kiss me...







(She puts her hands and face close to the window.)


Listen, Mr. What-Ever-Your-Name, get me the left hand of a priest. I was baptized by a left-handed priest. Very bad, made me crazy, like all the women in my family. We killed that priest, my mother and me. Bring me the left hand of a priest and I will crack its knuckles, which is very unlucky, and clean out the bones so I can put my fingers in that hand, so make it a big hand. Lick this cum, come on, lick this cum. (Krator drops his pants and begins licking the thick cum from the glass.) I have a little surprise for you. I can feel a growth in me, it is heavy like some dark metal, it is spreading like a cancer.


I am going to be a father?




Keep licking. (Krator keeps licking.) It is yours, not mine. There is nothing of me in it. There is only you in it, fed by desperate men's semen. Keep licking, you fucking shit-head.

(The lights cross-fade from Krator as he licks and licks to...)


Scene 27

(Torvald in the Termination Room. Torvald is pacing back and forth ranting into a red telephone. There is a man (MR. CORPSE*) on the Termination Bed who keeps trying to get Torvald's attention.)


Scientists are so stupid, that's why they think they're so smart. (Torvald slams the phone down.)They are still bragging about how they bucked the Middle Ages. They're whining about how they were martyred for truth, only now they are like the fat cardinals in miniskirts counting angels on a pin. They rob the world of metaphor, they gut it of meaning. They cut it up and sell it in pieces. They make gadgets and cure diseases so that we can walk around like a well armed zombie. It takes an innately stupid man to be a scientist.

Mr. Corpse

Would you please push the button?


Oh, I'm sorry.

(He pushes the button and Corpse goes limp. Krator enters.)


Who was that?


You know, I don't know. (He crosses to the desk and looks the corpses file.) Mr. Corpse.


He was supposed to be finished yesterday.


I'm afraid I running behind. We need a bigger staff.



Bigger staff, less money. You must have more dedication. The world must be downsized. (Addressing the corpse.) These old folks, how hideous their situation. All of these little kitchens with their ceramic cows and plastic flowers, all these calendars with lovely landscapes, the pillows on the sofa, the fluffy curtains on the windows, the humming ice box, the doormat, "welkomen" . With all these lovely things how could this happen? The old woman with her draping skin, her shuddering jaws, her wash-out eyes. The old man, sprawled out on the bed, his jaw agape, like some sprung lock. The nurse slapping down the hall, yawning, the breakfast-mush cooling on the tray in the cold hours before dawn for old people can't bear the weight of sleep. Put money away for a nice retirement. The children, all beefy, with bored hands, sitting on the vinyl chairs waiting for the hour to pass-they never liked those old folks anyway. What is left for old age? God, why must they go through this? Leave them out in the cold to freeze. One night and it is all over. One pill and it is through. A little jolt of electricity and the economy is free of the burden. (The lights begin to fade. There is the sound of jangling bells in the background.) We should get rid of all the old people, just get rid of them.

(A special rises D.S. A PRIEST* with huge hands walks through the light and into the shadows. Krator watches him. The lights fade of Krator . The Priest's special stays on, then fades to black.)


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