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The Deatherians
by John O'Keefe



My, aren't we feisty tonight.

(She steps close the glass. Krator aims the Deatherian Detector at Morivia's belly and pushes the button. First there is one sires of beeps then a second series of beeps joins the first. Krator laughs in delight.)


We are Deatherians!




Deatherian's, you stupid cunt!

(He lunges at the glass and puts his hands on it. Morivia backs away.)


You must tell me when you break water. I must get to it early. I will bring the baby into the world myself. This baby could be my father! I will doubt things no more. This is a new time. Fuck science.


What are you talking about?


That baby is immortal. So are you.

(Morivia stops in her tracks. She stares at him. Krator grins up at her.)


What do you mean, immortal?


Yes, now you are staring at me like my mother did.


I am immortal?


We will never die.

(Morivia begins screaming in terror. Krator begins licking the thick gobs of cum from the window.)


Scene 30

(The lights cross fade to a special. Hatherdal steps out of the shadows. She begins speaking even as Morivia's cries die away.)


I dedicate this song to our patron saint, Dr. Kavorkian, Dr. K.

(Ghostly figures carrying candles appear behind Hatherdal. At times they join in the song.)

Hatherdal (cont.)


Dr. K made his rounds on the Death Ward

in the middle of the night,

lifting the eyelids of the near-dead.

To see how they reflected the light.

He was a pioneer.


Oh, sweet is the beauty of the rose.

Majestic, the vaulted sky.

How fresh the blush

of life on a child's face.

Too bad it's got to die.



Hatherdal (cont.)

Dr. K went to death row

to put the condemned to sleep

so he could harvest their organs.

"Boys, at last you can do something deep."

He was a pioneer.


"It would be a unique privilege to be able to experiment on a doomed human being."



Oh, sweet is the beauty of the rose.

Majestic, the vaulted sky.

How lovely a mother's face

How tender, her sigh.

To bad she's going to die.


Dr. K wanted to build Orbitoriums

with a specialized staff

for Positive Planned Death.

It almost takes my breath.

He was a pioneer.


"It wasn't murder, it was medicide."



Oh, sweet is the beauty of the rose.

Majestic, the vaulted sky.

How brave and loyal a father,

singing to his toddler.

To bad he's going to die.

Fools asked him why he did it.

Dr. K winked and said,

from his cell bed,


"I've boundless curiosity

I guess it's just the boy in me."

Hatherdal (cont.)


Look all about you

see how the wind blows

through the dark trees,

how the stars pierce the sky.

Angry spirits burst from their corpses

You can hear them cry,

"Dr. K! Dr. K!

Lead the way!

Lead the way!"

(The lights fade.)


Scene 31

(Termination Room. It is covered with blood and gore. Gone is the peaceful atmosphere. Krator has safety goggles on. He is sanding a covered corpse, sparks are flying. Torvald is splitting another corpse in half with an ax as if it were a dry log (in fact, that 's probably what it is. Krator has changed. His eyes have deep shadows under them. His face is sallow, his cheekbones hollow, his lips, livid. Krator is shouting over the din.)


You know, we've been overlooking a very important group.


Who's that, Doctor?


Genetic test files.


I didn't think of that.


There are many people who have a 90% chance of dying of a specific disease before they are 50 and there is no cure in sight for them. Cancer, heart failure, Alzheimer's, liver, blood, bone. We could save a lot hospitalization if we terminated them before they got sick.


I feel bad about these people. You know, they're getting younger.


We work for Insurance companies. It's a business, nothing more. You have to make a profit or you go out of business and if we go out of business there is no more health care for anyone.


But so many, Krator?


Farming. Farming, yes, isn't that droll, I accused Vørdigger of being a farmer of crazy people. I understand him now, what a profound individual. There are only 1.5% of people who really use this place. The rest, well, they are like scenery. And like scenery, like weeds or bugs or rats they must be cut back.


Perhaps it is exactly the opposite way. Since we are here only this one time, it is us who are special and you who are the scenery, since your always here in one form or another like mountains and trees and mosquitoes . And since you are always going to return, it is you who should be pruned so that you grow into something right. You know, we have a way to compensate for our mortality, we have history. If there are too many Deatherian assholes being born we can get rid of them as soon as they start acting up. We can just cut them from the start. When they're ugly babies we can keep killing them until there are only pretty babies, pretty nice babies who don't hurt any one, pretty nice babies who will serve those who will only see the world once, you bastard.

(Torvald attacks Krator with a long pair of forceps. He clamps them on Krator's nipple.. Krator tugs at them and finally yanks them of with a moan of painful pleasure..)


What are you doing, you fool? I will have your job for this.


You think I fucking care? Nora is leaving me today.

(Krator grabs Torvald by the shirt.)


Don't mess with me, you puny little maggot ball. I am not the same man you think I was. I am strong with men's cum!

(Krator throws Torvald to the ground and then pulls out a pair of panty hose. He pulls one leg over his face and wraps the other leg around Torvald's neck to strangle him. Torvald is gurgling. A loud series of sounds come over the speakers as a warning siren begins yelping. Then Jerry's voice comes over the speakers.)

Jerry (Over intercom.)


Dr. Doctor! Dr. Doctor!

(Krator lets go of Torvald.)

Jerry (Over intercom.)

Hurry, Doctor, hurry!

(Krator jumps to his feet. He is ecstatic.)


She has broken water! I am like Joseph, eh? Jesus, fuck, I am so excited. (He helps Torvald up and brushes him off.) I may meet my father today. I cannot believe this, because, you know, I have never met him. He is not the kind of guy who would want to meet me. (Krator goes to a cabinet, grabs a long surgical knife and slides it in jacket.) But that will all change once he gets a look at me. (He glares at Torvald) I look different, don't I? Give me the Deatherian Spike Stimulator. (Torvald pulls the Deatherian Spike Stimulator from his lab coat pocket and gives it to Krator.) You are afraid of me, that is good. That's as it should be. I must hurry.


Scene 32

(The lights rise on Krator and Jerry walking in place DS at a quick pace.)


Look at us, you and Jerry, Dr. Doctor, flying like the wind. You excited, no?


Shut up!


Aren't you glad, Dr. Doctor that you have a guy like me to lead you to your woman? I am a real matchmaker.


Where is she?



She a cage girl now. In a special place. Not for everyone. Jerry knows. Very close to Jerry. Jerry's mother was cage girl too. Jerry born there. (Krator stops and looks at Jerry.) Very special price. 1000 guilders.

(Krator grabs Jerry and pulls him up by the collar.)


Where is she.

(Jerry points at the entrance of "The Cage." Krator releases him and Jerry runs away. The lights fade and at the same time there is a shrieking in the dark. It is Morivia. She is screaming like a terrified animal. There is also the sound of a NASTY GUY* mimicking her anguished cries and laughing. The lights rise on the guy laughing at her in a cage. )


Come on, scream! Scream! Scream! Scream!

(He charges at the cage with his arms out. Morivia screams. The Guy screams. Krator grabs the guy by the scruff of the neck.)


Hey, I paid the fee!

(Krator slams the guy's head against the door and throws the guy out. "The Cage," a geek cage, has gone silent. )


It's Hess.

(There is no answer.)


I have come to deliver the baby.


(From the shadows)

Come in.

(Krator steps through the cage.)


(From the shadows)

Take off your clothes.

(Krator takes off shirt.)


I am ready.

(Morivia steps out of the shadows in the meat suit. Krator gasps and steps back. She stands there, a collection of limbs and organs, hanging from her. The feet are of two distinct sizes, very large and very small. The internal organs dangle about the body like baubles; liver, heart, intestines, lungs, kidneys. Lymph nodes are draped like pearls. There is a large torso, several chunks forming the buttocks, pieces of flesh sewn with big stitches to form 2 different thighs, a complex weave of muscles are stitched to make the calves, 2 different kneecaps. Eddy's huge penis hangs down from the crotch with a silver ring through the end. Hanging from it is a testicle bag with 2 different testicles hanging outside of it. Morivia's living head is the head of the meat suit, but tied to the top of her head, like meat loaf, is a brain hat. Eyeballs hang from her neck by nerve endings like amulets. There is a quilt work of flesh to form the chest and shoulders, biceps flow into elbows then into forearms in a weave of gristle, sewing thread and muscle (Some pieces of skin are hairier than others), at the end two huge hands from different priests, and from the center of the body is Morivia's huge pregnant belly. Krator stares at the suit in awe.).


(Stepping out of the shadows)

Isn't she beautiful? (She slams the cage door shut.)


(To Hatherdal)

My god, what are you doing here?


She is my daughter.


What are you saying? (To Morivia) Is this true?


She's quite insane. She doesn't even know who you are. She has been working for me. I warned you, they all work for me. They are my animals.


Who the fuck are you? Why do you do this to me?

(Hatherdal steps closer to the cage.)


Don't you recognize me? Come closer. (Krator comes closer to Hatherdal) I'm Rebecca. Doesn't it ring a bell? I'm your little sister, asshole.

(They both bellow with rage. They grab the bars, Krator on his side, Hatherdal on the other and shake the bars trying to bite each other. They stop and take a closer look at each other.)


I thought you were in mental hospital.


You dirty, bastard, you knew that I was not dead.


I knew that you were crazy.


Not any crazier than you.


You're face.


You want to know how my face got like this? (She puts her face next to the bars almost daring Krator to grab her.) Mother was crazy, didn't you know?


She was not crazy.


Oh, but she was. The day you ran away she threw boiling water in my face then went up stairs and killed herself. When Papa, my papa, came home and found her he pulled my brother and me with my boiled face and threw us in the car and drove it off the bridge. The cold water saved my life but killed them. So there is only you and me and my daughter who I have give to you.


It's alive. Take it, take it out of me. I can't stand it in me. It doesn't belong in there. Get it out! Get it out! Oh god, this meat smells.


My darling Morivia, I will love you forever, and we have forever.

(Krator pulls out the long scalpel. Hatherdal, seeing it, begins shrieking.)



Kill me! Kill me! If I have to live again, then kill me now. I want to start all over.


No! No! No!

(Krator plunges the scalpel into Morivia's belly. Morivia screams as her belly explodes. A gut-purple little baby tumbles out on the floor.)


(To Morivia)

I love you!


Fuck you.

(She spits blood in his face. They kiss. She falls into his arms dead. Hatherdal shrieks and runs from the Cage into the darkness. There is the sound of a baby crying over the speakers. Krator flashes the baby with the Deatherian Spike Stimulator. The baby's voice comes over the speakers.)


Boon jaw vay, jay jay.




Oh Joe bow, in kin cheen jee.


What are you saying, mother fucker?


You goo moo.


I know you're in there father. Talk to me! Tell you who you are! You only talk baby talk? Is that what you do?

(Krator begins laughing. He begins talking baby talk back to the baby. As the lights fade the sound of the baby talking baby talk continues. The lights rise and PEOPLE *appear and disappear in the shadows like decoys at a police shooting range, all the while doing a zombie dance. Jerry leads Krator in the meat suit, doing the zombie dance as he proclaims Krator's presence. Krator is holding the gut purple baby in one hand and the Deatherian Detector in the other. He zaps with the Deatherian Detector at the passers by and laughs. The Deatherian Detector whines and whines. All the while the baby continues babbling baby talk and chorus continues...)


A guy like you needs a guy like me to take him to his place. A guy like you when you are inspired got no time to think about directions. Jerry take you there. I am your flag animal, I am your horn, every where you go I go with you, I am your crier, "Here comes a man on his way home. Here he comes! Here he comes!" Look the gods walk in this motherfucker. We're just the backdrop. Dinosaurs stroll the earth once more. Look! Look at this guy behind me.



Eebee Ceebee
Oochee Coochee
Ooodee Oo
Chabah cheega
Moobah leeyah
Fuck you
Fuck you
Holy moebob
joli blow cob
Mung bean stew
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you

(The lights fade on Jerry and Krator as the chorus fades.)


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