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The Deatherians
by John O'Keefe


Scene 19


Krator talks of my wife like he could fuck her. He grins at me. He doesn't know what love is. He doesn't know that Nora loved me. I was her man, but then we got married. Then she stopped loving me, or I stopped looking at her. What is this thing called love? When I was a



Torvald (cont.)

child I knew how things were. How I became born, how men and women behaved. I was brought up in Switzerland. My mother and father (they were from the 60's) did foreplay and sex in front of me so that I would not be shocked. It was the "way" to bring children up in those days. My mother even let me touch her when she was "wet". Later, my father let me hold his hard penis after he had plunged it into my mother. It was glistening and slippery. I held it in my hands; the little mouth, swollen and open, I stared at it. It was so big and hard. "This is my lodge pole, son, it's for your mother's goo-goo," I heard my father say. I looked down at my mother, she was smiling and flushed. "This is how we made you, Honey," she said. I hated them from that very moment. I hated myself even more. There is anger in my pants. (Thunder and lightning rumbles in the background) When I married Nora I didn't care if I had to share her with a thousand gods, I loved her so much. And now she wants to leave me to commit that lewd and violent act that brought me into the world with someone else. I won't have it! I will kill her first! (More thunder and lightning) I am a good man. I am a decent man, a man with morals and I am going to have to die, but not Krator. Why do the bad guys always win? When people find out what I know they will go crazy. Yes, yes, my discovery is going to stir up some very bad shit.

(A great crash of thunder--the lights fade to black as lightning flickers.)


Scene 21

(Krator is working his way through the Red Light district. He is carrying an elegantly wrapped package. There are ambient sounds of people fucking. There are whispers and groans .A drug deal is overheard, . A cry of someone being killed. Church bells ring in the distance. Jerry, the hunchback steps out of the shadows. He grabs Krator's arm.)



You come back for more? You like Jerry's ideas? Got more for you. Come with Jerry.


Get away from me. I don't need you. I know where she is.





Oh she ain't at Sexyland no more. Maybe she love you too much. You want to meet her?


Go away.


You in love? Jerry help you.


You know where she is?


Of course, Jerry knows everything.


You better not be kidding.


Not kidding, not kidding. Come on, come on, I show you. I promise. 40 guilders.


40 guilders? You only charged me 20 last time.


Very special place. Not for everyone.

(Krator gives Jerry 40 guilders. As they head down into the bowels of the "District".)


This is dangerous part of down.


Don't talk, just take me there.


Sure boss.

(They continue to walking.)




A man like you needs a guy like me to take him where he needs to go. A man like you needs to have a guy like me to shield him if trouble comes. A man like you is a good target. I am like a passport. I take you to new places where a man like you needs to go. A man like you who knows the best parts of town, a man with your tastes, he is wise to find these places, but he needs a guy like me to take him there. I am your truffle hog. I am your animal.


Shut the fuck up.


Oh, you are strong. You have will. (He stops.) Here she is.

(He stops before a dark, dingy place.)


This is it ?


She got new job. You got present for her, huh, she'll like it. Go, go, she be surprised to see you.

(Jerry runs off into the darkness.)


Scene 22

(Krator looks at the private booth. It is filthy. The glass is streaked with cum stains. Krator can smell the cleaning solution.)


(To himself)

It stinks in here.

(He pushes the button and begins pacing. He doesn't notice the light rise on a seated figure. It is Morivia. She is sitting slumped on a chair, her hair over her face.)


What is she doing here? This place is terrible.


You want to talk to yourself go outside.

(Krator starts. He turns to her.)


Is it you?




You remember me?


Sure. What's your flavor, pussy, asshole, what do you want?


I'm Hess. I'm the doctor who kills people.

(She recognizes him.)


The one who kills with a microwave.

(He slips the box through the slot.)


I have a present for you.


For me? What is it?


Open it and see.

(She unwraps it. She gasps, drops the box and runs back into the shadows. Krator doubles over with laughter.)


My fucking god! You son of a bitch!

(Morivia is shaking. She approaches the box and looks in.)


I can see it turns you on. Don't you recognize it? You used it enough, but the ring through the end, I never saw it, it was always buried in you, nasty, but neat, no? I strung it, you can hang it around your neck.


It is his. You killed him.


With my hands actually, and my mother's panty hose. He told me you were crazy, how did he say, "a continent of meaning." Look at it. I did a nice job, don't you think. I was a surgeon, you know, one of the finest in Europe.

(She covers her face with her hands)


Oh, fuck, don't start weeping on my fucking ass.

(She lifts her face. She is laughing. Krator looks at her and starts laughing too. They laugh and laugh.)


I knew you were a good sport. Come on, let me take you out to dinner.


I'm working, can't you see that?


I'll pay for the whole evening.

(Morivia picks up the box and admires Krator's work)


You did this for me?


For no one else.


What do you want from me?


It made me feel alive. All day I kill people from a distance. The people that I kill are all infirm. To feel his young life surging through my mother's panty hose, it was wonderful.


Why your mother's pantyhose?



Do you really want to know?




I'll tell you a secret. My mother used to stare at me. It was no a look a mother should give a son. It made my little sister jealous. I had a older brother. He was nothing. When I was 9 my sister told me that I was not my father's son. I ran to my mother and asked her if it was true. My mother broke down in tears. She told me that she came home one night. A stranger was waiting for her in the dark. He had a long knife, he said, "If you scream I'll cut your head off. You do what I say or I'll kill your baby," meaning older brother. Papa was out of town. My mother was a good Catholic. She said, "I never saw the man who raped me, he wore a pair of my pantyhose over his face. To this day I don't know what he looks like...I suppose he looks partly like you." When I left the room my younger sister grabbed me. She had been listening. She dragged me down the hall out into the back yard. She shoved me against the house. She pushed her face close to mine, "She had me because of you," she said, "she used me to flush the sin from her cunt." (Morivia breaks into laughter.) Why are you laughing? She was evil, my sister. I ran away from home that same day.


I think she hated you.


Oh yes, she hated me.


Hate is better than love, it is more faithful. Do you think the rapist is dead?


I'm sure of it, that or else he's a very old man.


How many pair of pantyhose do you have?


Many. I went back to my house and I stole them from her drawer after she died.



They must be old and delicate.


I keep them in plastic. They are strong.

(She stands up. She leans against the side of the glass and looks out as if she could see the outside world. She touches her face.)


So your poor mother was raped once. (She rubs her cheek on her spit.) I have been raped a thousand times (She pulls her face from the sliva and looks at Krator.) You have the blood of a willful, amoral man, a rapist. Perhaps you need to follow the impulses of your blood. (She puts her lips on the other side of a stain) Come here. Kiss me through the glass.

(Krator notices the stain.)


What is that?


It's cum.


I got to wash my side.


Kiss me. Think of it as the taste of my lips. Lick it, lick it off. It makes me hot.

(Morivia puts her lips against her side of the window on the other side of the cum stain. Krator looks at her lips pressed up against the glass, then presses his own over the cum stain and begins licking.)


I'll make you a deal. You bring me all the parts of a man and I will sew you a body made out of meat. Together we will build a likeness of your mother's rapist, together we will resurrect your father from the bodies of the men you kill. When I'm through I will get inside of the that man and dance in him. I will animate him. What's your name?





Keep licking, Hess. (Krator licks more cum from the glass. He begins undulating against the glass. Morivia begins playing with herself, becoming impassioned.) Each time you bring a body part I will let you fuck me through the slot. If I become pregnant. I will grow this baby for you. It will be your father. But you must lick these men's cum to make it that way. Lick it, Hess, lick it. Come on, baby, come on.

(Krator cums in his pants and collapses face on the glass.)



You are fucking fantastic! I would like to take you out for dinner!


Bring them to me.


You got to be kidding?


No, let's play. But don't cheat. You must do it with your mother's pantyhose. I got to go now. I got have live sex (She winks at him) with a new partner. (She calls as the booth goes out.) If you want me, bring me the body parts of men and I will make you a beautiful suit. If you want me, bring me lungs and feet and hands.

(She is gone.)


I think I'm fucking in love!

(Krator dashes into the night and as the lights fade, we hear Marilyn Monroe singing "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend". The music continues in the darkness as the lights rise...)


Scene 23

(...on Torvald and a RESEARCHER.* They are standing in a special looking into the darkness.)


Is this the one?




Yes, Dr. Torvald. She is Leslie Carter. She's from Canada. Eight years old. They say she's the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe.


How did they come to that conclusion?


She can recite all of Marilyn Monroe's movie dialogue word for word.


She doesn't look anything like her.


Yes, but listen to her. And look at the way she moves.


Remarkable. And she has the Deatherian Spike?


Most definitely.


She remembers her past incarnation?


She knows everything that happened to Marilyn Monroe.


Does she know how she died?


Yeah...wasn't suicide, wasn't murder, just took one too many pills.

(Torvald takes out a black instrument that looks like a remote control and aims it into the darkness. He pushes a button and a there is a series of beeps.)



(The lights cross-fade to...)


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