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The Deatherians
by John O'Keefe


Scene 14

(...the lights rise on Hatherdal standing on a street corner, holding forth with a megaphone. The Americans are standing beside her. Hatherdal is holding the end of a rope. There is a figure at the other end of the rope, leashed like a dog. The figure's head is covered with a plastic bag.. Torvald walks to the edge of the stage and looks down at Hatherdal.)


Today I stand before the Halcyon Foundation, Europe's center for euthanasia. Oh, of course there are no signs and it isn't very busy. That's because it's director, Dr. Hess Krator, is a lazy, liberal slug who spends his time fucking whores instead of putting them into the ground where they belong! He's charged with the merciful extermination of the incurable and the pathetic. Dr. Krator is this pathetic enough for you?

(She rips the bag away revealing Vørdigger with his head sticking out of the garbage bag, his pants around his ankles. He's covered with barf and blood.)


Hess, I think you should look at this.

(Krator re-enters, crosses to Torvald and looks down at Hatherdal.)


Let me introduce you to the famous Dr. Dern Vørdigger, Director of the Dutch Ministry for Mental Health. He's the one looking after your sanity. (She calls out) Dr. Krator! Dr. Krator! Come down here and show your mercy.


Mein gott, it's Vørdigger.


We must go get him.


Fuck that, let her take care of him.


That is murder, Hess.


He could infect my position.


We can't leave him down there.

(The lights fade in the Termination Room.)


Take care of him, Krator. If you don't, I will. He's listed.

(Torvald appears below.)


Where is Krator?


What are you doing, you terrible female?


(Shrieking from disappointment)

Where is Krator?

(Torvald helps Vørdigger to his feet.)


Hess, Hess, there you are. I've been looking for you.


It's Torvald, Dr. Vørdigger. Let me help you.

(Torvald helps Vørdigger off stage as Hatherdal rails at him.)


Take a look at him everybody. He can't even clean up his own garbage. He sends a lackey instead. Don't worry, Dr. Krator, no one is too big for The List. Not even you. You can't run. You can't hide. Nothing can keep you from me. (The lights fade on her as she screams.) Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!


Scene 15

(The lights rise on the Termination Room. Krator is strapping Vørdigger down on a bed. Vørdigger is babbling. Torvald watches in shock.)


We are not alone, Krator. We are filled with beings. It is so wonderful. The Gods are in us.


(To Torvald)

Get the box.


What are you doing, Krator?


What do you think I'm doing?


We don't have permission to perform a termination.


I don't need permission.


You can't do this, Doctor.


I can do what the fuck I want.


Doctor Krator, I must protest.


Shut up and get the box!

(Torvald gets the box.)


I don't want to die. I have broken through to the God Zone. (Krator goes to his desk and pulls out the contract.) No, don't sign it, Hess.


(to Vørdigger)

You told me to ignore your ravings.

(Krator checks the contract for the fine print.)


No! No! Listen, I'm perfectly fine for this. I can listen to the Sirens.


Shut up.

(The sound of Vørdigger's hallucinations; strange, ambient laughter. He sings from the Termination Bed.)



Before medicine
the powers beyond ourselves
used us as their meat suits.
We called them the Gods.
We are their meat bags.
They use our meat.
They use our meat.
(The laughter stops. Strange music.)

Vørdigger (cont.)


Our experience is the experience of gods moving us through their amazement and desolation. Now we think it's all changed


Vørdigger (cont.)


cuz we got medicine,
we got medicine.
We stick it in our arms.
We put it in our mouths.
We give it head.
Now the Gods sleep in our bodies.
Now the Gods sleep in our bodies.
Now the Gods sleep in our bodies.
But sometimes they wake up.


You're insane.


You are not God, Krator.


There is no God!

(Krator signs the contract, then crosses to the table and picks up a ring. Vørdigger sees what Krator is doing. Vørdigger begins writhing.)


Don't kill me, Krator, don't kill me!


Give me your finger.

(Krator catches one of Vørdigger's flailing hands and slips the ring on it. Krator grabs the box from Torvald..)


I want you to witness this, Torvald. This is to let the Vandel Voodles know that I have complied with the contract by completing an involuntary but friendly termination.


But it is not friendly.


It's friendly enough for the Vandel Voodles. I am also the legal recipient of payment for the fulfillment of said contract.



Help me! Help me!

(Krator pushes the button. The lights flash. Abruptly, the sounds come to a crash, then slide in a loud avalanching glissando into a massive brutal dissonant chord. Vørdigger arches his back and shudders. The chord suddenly goes silent and Vørdigger goes limp. Only his breath and his steady EKG can be heard. Torvald walks toward the bed. He is amazed.)


My God, you are still alive!

(Vørdigger turns his face toward Torvald. He opens his mouth. We hear a lion roaring, then a cascade of church bells ringing over and over. Krator pushes the button on the black box. The lights flicker. Vørdigger arches his back and shudders. There is the sound of a great explosion. The explosion segues into a great chord sung by a choir. The chord glissandos downward as if it were melting plastic and goes silent. Once again the EKG can be heard, this time it beats more slowly. Vørdigger's breath can be heard. Torvald steps toward the bed.)


Oh, my god!


What is this thing that is so strong? It is as if his life is clinging to him.

(There is the sound of gathering wind and a plane taking off. Vørdigger writhes. There is a clip from, "The Halleluia Chorus" Torvald and Krator are thrown about the room, like the Star Trek crew when under attack.)

Vørdigger (cont.)

There they come, they're coming through!

(The sound of the marching feet grows more dense, this is combined with Middle Eastern music and African congas.)

Vørdigger (cont.)

We are the Gods, Krator! We are the Gods!

(Vørdigger tries to reach for Krator. Krator pushes the button. The lights flash, Vørdigger twists like a dancer as he convulses. The sound of Vørdigger's EKG grows louder and faster. Vørdigger lets out a great cry. Vørdigger begins laughing. He falls back on the bed and laughs and laughs. His EKG slows to a steady beat like a drum. He stops laughing. Krator moves near Vørdigger. He gazes down on him.)

Vørdigger (cont.)

(Suddenly calm)

Oh, my God. How beautiful...how beautiful...

(There is the sound of flatline. Krator puts his stethoscope on Vørdigger's chest as the sound of the flatline continues. Vørdigger's heart has stopped beating.)


Scene 16

(Sound of fucking in the dark. The lights rise on Jimmy and Joe and Hatherdal. Their heads are sticking up out of the bushes. Jimmy is facing Joe, Hatherdal, unseen, is between them. Joe is beating off in Hatherdal's face and Jimmy is fucking her up the ass, Hatherdal is grunting in there somewhere.)


Fuck me in the ass and say his name. Come on, you stinking shits, fuck me up the ass. Do it hard. Fuck me where the maggots grow. (Jimmy thrust harder) Good! Good! Jack-off in my face, Joey. Say his name! Say his name, same it over again.

(Jimmy and Joe begin chanting as Joe jacks-off in her face and Jimmy fucks her in the ass. They intone it mechanically as Hatherdal screams her lines.)

Jimmy and Joe

I am Krator. I am Krator. I am Krator. I am Krator.


Fuck me! Fuck me up the ass!

(Jimmy and Joe continue chanting and Hatherdal wails as the lights fade.)


Scene 17

(Krator is pacing back and forth outside of the private booth. Suddenly EDDY* appears behind him. Eddy looks like an Israeli porno film producer with his gold chains but in Eddy's case, he's got a solid gold crucifix. Eddy has a Viennese accent.)


It's late.




Not a good neighborhood.


You think not?


A guy could get in a lot of trouble around here. You want something?

(Krator lets his eyes linger on Eddy.)



(Eddy looks around to see if any body is there, then conspiratorially...)


Say, you don't have a fag, do you? I know they're illegal, but you know, it's so fucking hard to give them up. (Krator fishes about in his jacket and pulls out a pack. He taps one up from the pack and extends it to Eddy) Lucky, fucking me. (Eddy takes it and sticks it in his mouth. He grins knowingly at Krator) Got a light? (He laughs) That's what I love most. (Krator pulls out his lighter, flips the top open, snaps the flint and lights Eddy's cigarette.) A Zippo! May I hold it? (Krator gives it to him. Eddy fondles the Zippo in his fingers.) I haven't seen one of these in a long time. Not since prison. Aren't you going to have one too? It's so sad to smoke alone. (Krator taps a cigarette out of the pack for himself. Eddy snaps the flint and admires the oily fire, then lights Krator's cigarette.) Christ, the fucker makes me dizzy. But I like it, you know, smoke, it's pretty. How do they say it, "Smoke the peace pipe." What is your first name?



(Eddy puts his arm around Krator's shoulder and pulls Krator near him.)


My name is Eddy. (He extends his hand to Krator) Edvard, actually. I come from Vienna. I was a porn star in California. Perhaps you've seen my movies. What do you do?



I'm a doctor.


Oh, a doctor. Do we still need those?

(He laughs. Krator laughs appeasingly.)


What do you do here?


I am a penis. I have live sex with the girls. I'm on a break. Have you been beating off for one of my girlfriends? Which one of my kittens do you want? "Want" what a crazy word, to have them, you know "your way" with them, (He demonstrates what he means by enacting a slow fuck with a sweet tight pussy .) Nuts, no? And it's called love. Crazy stuff. So which one? (Krator doesn't answer.) Come on, don't worry about me, I'm like the mommy cat and they are my litter. Come on, which one?




Morivia Sowolicka? Oh shit man, watch out for her she's deranged. But she's a great fuck. I can understand why you like her. She is a continent of meaning. (He looks at Krator with more respect.) So you're kinky, huh?


Do you think so?


You look kinky. (He looks closer at Krator.) Yeah, you look kinky as hell, man. I talk California good, don't I?


I don't know California.


Everything that happens comes from California. (He pulls out his crucifix and flashes it at Krator.) Venice Beach.

(Not grawking anything Eddy's talking about.)





No doubt, you want to be "with" Jesus?



(Eddy sees that Krator feels uncomfortable. He tries to pacify him.)


Oh, don't be afraid, mein freund, I've learned to love. I learned it in prison. That first night, when the guards turned the lights out, they whistled like they were calling the coochie girls out. I let a man have me that night. It was funny. I had fucked some of the tastiest pussy on both coasts. Now someone was commenting on my tight fit at breakfast. That's jail. Dreams begin in prison. Kiss me.

(Krator can't help giggling.)


I will not.


Isn't that what you're here for? Come on, baby, kiss me for Jesus.


I will not.


Then kiss me just because you want to. (Eddy takes Krator's face in both hands even while holding his cigarette and blows smoke into Krator's mouth.) Blow it into my face. (Krator blows the smoke Eddy forced into his mouth into Eddy's face. Eddy laughs with delight.) It's fun being with you. You're a good guy. Eddy pulls out a switchblade knife. Give me the cigarettes. (Krator gives the pack to him.) And the lighter. (Krator gives him the lighter.) Give me your watch. (Krator gives it to him. Eddy looks at the watch.) Oh shit, I'm late. Give me your billfold.


Sure, Eddy. Would you do me one little favor? I could write you a money order. (Krator pulls out a booklet of money orders.) They only need my signature.



What do you want?


I'm afraid it's a bit kinky.


No shit? What is it?

(Krator pulls out a pair of panty hose.)


This a pair of my mother's panty hose.




Would you do one favor for me?




Put this over your head and let me feel you from behind.


The leg?


Yeah, like this.

(He pulls the leg of the panty hose over Eddy's head.)


Nimond Marcus.


They are very precious to me.

(Krator gets behind Eddy, who now has one of the legs of the panty hose over his head. Krator wraps the other leg of the panty hose around Eddy's neck.)




Oh, I know what you're gonna do. You're gonna cut my air off so I get hard. You are a kinky fucker. I warn you, I'm big.

(Krator tightens the panty hose around Eddy's neck as the lights begin to fade.)


I can see that. You fuck her don't you. You fuck her hard, don't you and she likes it, doesn't she, doesn't she, doesn't...

(The lights fade as Krator strangles Eddy.)


Scene 18

(The scene is done a s a shadow play. There is the sound of an argument in Dutch. It is between Torvald and Nora.)


Ik wil gaag een ontbijt! Een gekookt ei hargekookt.


Ni zachtgekookt und spiegeleieren met ontbijtspek!








Ik heb twee maanden geen menstruatie!


Hartelijk bedankt voor de avond. Het was geweldig! Fuck you in hell, bitch! (There is the sound of a slap Torvald steps into the light.) Go to the Devil, Nora! I know things. They are not guesses. They are real. You could not stand it if you knew what I know. I know what you are. I know what I am. We are both dead.

(There is a firing of sparks and lights from the termination bed. There is a corpse covered up on the bed. It is a rough killing for the corpse is bobbing and jerking on the bed. Krator fires a blast of steam from a fire extinguisher at the bobbing corpse. Torvald is pacing about the Termination Room wildly.)


Are you going to help me or not?


Krator, I've got to talk to you.

(Krator pulls the sheet away. The corpse is gone. In its place is a pile of green gelatin cubes. Krator pulls out a object sealed in paper. He tears the paper open and pulls out a spatula and begins lightly spanking the gelatin cubes while he and Torvald talk.)


Torvald, you are as excited as a kitten and at such an hour.


I want you to listen to me carefully. I know you will have difficulty with what I'm about to tell you, but you must listen with an open mind.


Well, golly, Torvald, I'll give it a try.


It has to do with Dr. Vørdigger.


Vørdigger's dead.



(Krator makes the sound of eerie music.)


Torvald, you've really got to get a grip on yourself.


Dr. Vørdigger had the spike.


The spike?


The Deatherian Spike.


The what?


The Deatherian Spike. I told you about it before. Why don't listen to me? It's the name I have given to the brain wave in the alpha frequency of 1.5% of the population, both living and dead.

(Krator stops spanking the gelatin cubes. He pulls off his old rubber gloves and puts on a new pair.)


So you've been speaking with Dr. Vørdigger?

(Krator picks up an empty slop bucket..)


No, I can't speak with him, but I can speak with people who have been to the threshold of death and come back. People with Near Death Experiences.


My god, Torvald, you've beached your boat.


I knew this would be your response, that's why I haven't brought it up to you., but it has gone too far. I've set up a team of interviewers. We're seeking out people whose brain wave charts exhibit this same peculiar alpha wave pattern. I call it The Deatherian Spike.

(Krator dumps the Jell-O into the empty bucket.)


The Diptherian Spike?


The Deatherian Spike.


That's a stupid name. Why don't you call it the Torvald Spike?


They told us that upon entering death that they were entirely conscious, that they left their own bodies, went down a tunnel, met deceased people, went through a life review, and finally cleansed, were

Torvald (cont.)

surrounded with a great white light filled with love and then returned to life.


My fucking God, no wonder your wife wants to leave you.


Of the people who were declared clinically dead and brought back to life only 1.5 percent had Near Death Experiences, the others did not. Don't you see what I'm saying? That was what Dr. Vørdigger was having in his last moments.


Dr. Vørdigger didn't have a Near Death Experience, Torvald, he had a whole death experience.


What I am saying is that there may be two species living side by side, looking exactly like each other, but having two distinct fates, a few going on while the great mass of us are doomed to eternal oblivion. I call them the Deatherians because they defy death and you are one of them, Hess Krator, you and Dern Vørdigger.


My dear Torvald, is this delusion because things are going bad with your wife? (Krator picks up the bucket and puts it with the other sealed slop buckets.) Get a grip on yourself. We have a busy day. 14 teminations. Thank god most of them are vegetables. Zip-zap, in and out, no little speeches. Oh, you mustn't pout, Torvald, I will look at your thing after work. You mustn't let that stupid wife of yours get to you. Come out with me some night, I'll show you a good time.

(Krator winks at Torvald and exits.)


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