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The Deatherians
by John O'Keefe


Scene 27

(Krator goes running into the special from the dark. Hatherdal and the Americans aren't far behind. They see him disappear into the dark. Hatherdal and Jimmy stop short but Joe keeps running. He disappears into the dark. You hear his feet slowing down, then come to a stop. You see Joe backing out of the darkness.)


Go in there.


Yeah, check it out.


You check it out.


I ain't gonna check it out.



Maybe he's not in there.


He's in there.


Let's both go in.



(Neither of them moves.)


I know you're in there, Krator. What you got in there with you? You got something of mine? You stealing meat from my freezer? You son of a bitch I warned you. (To Joe) Go in there.


Sure. Come on, Jimmy.


(To Joe)

No, you.


Why doesn't Jimmy go to?


I want him as a back up. You afraid of a little Doctor? Go on.

(Joe and Jimmy begin singing their version of "My Country 'Tis of Thee." Joe draws his gun and disappears into the darkness, singing by himself. Suddenly, his song is cut short. There is a long silence. Jimmy looks at Hatherdal. Hatherdal motions for Jimmy to go. Jimmy begins to sing "My Country 'Tis of Thee." Jimmy goes into the darkness singing all the while. Suddenly the song is torn from his throat. There is a long silence.)


Jimmy? Joe? (Silence) Boys? (Silence)

(Krator appears out of the darkness. Gone are the panty hose. He is neatly dressed for the evening. Not a hair is out of place. He is carrying a plastic bag with a huge hand in it. )

(Krator puts the bag behind his back. Hatherdal approaches him slyly.)


What you got there, you kinky motherfucker? Jesus, look at your eyes. You have grown night eyes, creepy, yes, like all crooked in your head. Look at your mouth, your stinking mouth, it is all twisted and full of rage. Feels good, no? Do you cum when you kill them? I bet you do. You stinking motherfuck, ugly son of a bitch. You took my boys didn't you? Don't worry there're are plenty more. Be brave and harsh. Take them by the thousands, take them all. (She puts her arms around Krator's neck.) You are like my little boy. You are so naughty. (Krator backs away but Hatherdal moves with him.) You're having a bloody good time, aren't you. (Hatherdal brings her lips to his) You took my fuck boys away. Now you got to help me.

(Krator violently shoves her to the ground. She gets on her hands and knees and rushes at him trying to bite him like a dog.)


Get away from me, you hideous creature!

(Hatherdal chases Krator around on her hands and knees trying to bite him.)


(carefully pronouncing the words "bow" and "wow")

Bow wow, bow wow wow wow!!!

(Krator runs off into the night. Hatherdal continues barking as the lights fade.)


Bow wow, bow wow wow wow!!! Bow wow wow, wow wow!!! Bow wow wow!!!


Scene 28

(The lights rise on the Termination Room. It is covered with blood and gore. Krator enters. He has a huge hand in a plastic bag. He doesn't notice it at first, but there's a bundle sitting up on the Termination Bed. Vørdigger's voice comes from the bundle. It is high, perhaps like a chipmunk's voice, but definitely Vørdigger's).

Baby Vørdigger

Hey Krator, do you remember me?

(Krator turns around but can't locate the source of the voice. )

Baby Vørdigger

I remember you. I'm the baby Vørdigger.

(Krator now locates the baby on the bed. He drops the bag.)

Baby Vørdigger

I'm still hallucinating.

(There is the sound of aural hallucinations but higher and more tinny.)

Baby Vørdigger

Torvald woke me up with some gismo he made.

(Krator crosses cautiously to the bundle on the bed.)

Baby Vørdigger

Says I'll only remember who I was for a little while (Aural hallucinations) until a new personality begins, like chocolate on a Tasty Freeze.

(Krator cautiously unwraps part of the bundle and peeks in. He starts.)

Baby Vørdigger

You're looking pretty strange, Krator. What have you been doing? Torvald says you're committing mass murder. Is this true?


What the fuck is this?

(Torvald steps out of the shadows.)


It is the baby Vørdigger.

(Krator bends close to the bundle and examines it.)

Baby Vørdigger

It is really true, Krator, there is life after death. I am proof of it.



My god, his lips are moving. (Krator sticks his finger in the bundle, presumably taking the baby's pulse from it's throat.) He is real. He is just a baby, how can he be speaking?


With the Deatherian Spike Stimulator. (He holds up something that looks strangely like a red bicycle flasher. It has a series of red cells.) The reincarnation cycle can go anywhere from 49 to 210 days. If the child can be found early before it's own personality becomes configured, flashing it in the eyes in a specific series of sequences will stimulate the Alpha spike and make it resonate the personality of its most powerful incarnation, like shooting fish eyes on a bank with a flashlight.

Baby Vørdigger

What the fuck is he talking about, Krator?


I don't have the slightest idea. (He looks closely at the baby.) But you, who are you?

Baby Vørdigger

I am Vørdigger. I went down a dark tunnel into a light full of love, saw a thousand faces...I think they were all mine...(The bundle makes a little baby cry, then stops.)... like looking into a mirror at a mirror at a mirror... (Baby cry, then stops.)...can't believe how powerful...

(The Baby Vørdigger breaks into full fledged baby crying.)


What's wrong with him?


His present personality is kicking in. I'll flash him with the Stimulator. It should get him going for awhile. Eventually, I won't be able to lock on that particular personality and then it will be just a baby, not an ordinary baby, mind you, but a Deatherian baby.

(Torvald holds the Deatherian Spike Stimulator over the bundle and pushes a button. The cells flash red at the Baby Vørdigger. The Baby Vørdigger starts to speak again.).

Baby Vørdigger

Krator we are the same, you and me. Perhaps we will meet up again sometime, in another life. I could sure use a joint.


Is this true?


He is immortal, like you, Krator.

Baby Vørdigger

We are not alone, Krator. You will see. There is another place after you pass through the light. It's where the rest of them are. (He starts to cry like a baby.) This baby is getting sleepy.


We're losing him.

(Torvald flashes the baby with the Deatherian Spike Stimulator. The sound of Baby Vørdigger hallucinations is heard.)

Baby Vørdigger

I've got to go, this baby's taking over. (Hallucinations) But I am not gone, Krator, I am here. (Krator looks closely at the baby.) Can you see me?


I just see a baby talking.

Baby Vørdigger

You shouldn't have killed me, motherfucker. I'll try to remember you, I'll really try.

(Starts cooing and giggling)


Is it really you, Dern?


He has come back from the waters of God.

(Torvald flashes the baby with the Deatherian Spike Stimulator.)

Baby Vørdigger

I'll keep an eye out for you.

(Sound of hallucinations. The baby begins crying.)



What's the matter with it?


He needs to be changed.


How did you find him?


The Internet. I put out a bulletin to look for strange acting babies. These babies are different from other babies. They stand out, especially when they come into contact with others of their kind. The attending physician was a Deatherian. This baby came out of the womb asking for you.



(Torvald pats the Baby Vørdigger and it goes silent. Once in awhile there might be the sound of a distant hallucination.)


Yes. He said, "I want that motherfucker, Krator." And then he went silent. The physician notified me. Deatherians coming together are very powerful.


What makes it powerful?


It is the meeting of two or more Deatherian minds. It seems the most powerful links are with Deatherians who have had contact before. You killed Vørdigger, he is strong with you.


Could a Deatherian reincarnate in order to reach another Deatherian?


I don't know. But I think that if two or more are gathered together in the name of a Deatherian that Deatherian might be drawn to them, perhaps even pulling him from the other side of life.


I want your Deatherian Detector.



Sure. (He gives it to him) Why do you want it?


I'm going to see if she is a Deatherian.


Be careful, Krator, you don't know what you're dealing with.


Why would that make any difference? I am immortal.


Yes, but things may have changed.


What do you mean?


Until now Deatherians may not have known about each other. Any conflicts they might have had were burned away after death, perhaps by the light of love at the end of the tunnel. They forgot who they were. But now Deatherians not only know about each other, they can wake up their past incarnations. They can remember who they were and who they hated and who they loved. On earth wars are finite, but for immortals to have conflict, they have eternity. There could be war in heaven. And for us, mortals, heaven could rain down an evil fire. Deatherian's could choose bodies for eternal war, they could use mortals as their war slaves. The cleansing light of love at the end of death's dark tunnel could be turned into amphetamine radiation, a hate ray where Deatherians could recharge and rekindle their past lives. They could become increasingly more powerful and vicious..

(Krator grins at Torvald, his eyes glowing.)


Sounds like a high.


You must be careful. Deatherians tend to be mad, insane from the weight of all their incarnations, they can be very dangerous.


(Drawls it out.)


(Krator laughs and runs out into the night. The Baby Vørdigger begins crying. Torvald goes to the door and calls after Krator.)


Hess! Hess! You must be careful!


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