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The Deatherians
by John O'Keefe
Scene 29

(Private booth. The glass is covered gobs of cum. Morivia is sitting hunched over the Priest's hand. Her belly is huge beneath her kimono. Krator is watching for her reaction.)


It's beautiful. They all look the same, these priest's hands. It will be good. (She looks at him.) We are almost done.


What it's doing in your belly? Any movement?


It doesn't kick. It doesn't move. It just grows.


Is it dead?


No. It is like a dark quiet cinder.


I've got to try something.

(He pulls out the Deatherian Detector)


What's that?


It's a gadget my crazy colleague gave me.


What does it do?


It whines and beeps. Stand up.





Stand up!

(Morivia stands.)


Bring your fat fucking belly next to the glass.




Do it!


Scene 33

(The door to the Termination Room bursts open and Krator appears. Jerry is behind him. Both as shadows in the background.)


A guy like you needs...


Shut the fuck up.

(Krator shoves Jerry in the face, pushing him out of the room. The zombies retreat too, like dominoes. Krator slams the door behind him and turns on the lights. Krator is still in his meat suit. He is holding the baby in one hand. The baby is still babbling. Torvald's and Nora's legs hang down from the ceiling. Torvald has hanged himself and his wife as well. There is a sign on the pinned to his leg which says, "Push play." Krator puts the baby and the Deatherian Detector down on the Termination Bed and pushes the play button on the VCR Torvald's face appears on the TV screen.


I made a grave error when I told you who you are. Before you didn't know you existed and now that you do, I know you will find a way to remember who you were and who you are and perhaps even who you will be. You will turn us into your slaves. I have made a history of you so that the mortals after me will be ready for you. When people find out who you are they will weed you out. Remember, it was I, a mortal who discovered you. This is just the beginning. You won't be able to escape us. It will be war forever.

(Off screen you can hear Nora whining in Dutch)

Nora (OS)

Ik heb een vulling verloren.


Yes, yes, darling I love you, but I can't let you go, I just can't. (He turns back to the camera) You see, Krator, perhaps we mortals are a bit more sentimental because we only have one time to be with each other.

(Off screen you can hear Nora whining in Dutch.)

Nora (OS)

Verpleegkundige... Verpleegkundige


(Screaming at Nora)

Shut the fuck up!

(Torvald disappears off camera. You can hear him OS as he beats Nora.)

Torvald (OS)

I said shut the fuck up! You fucking bitch. I'm never gonna let you go! Rugpijn, verkoundheid, oorpijl, ademhal...

(The monitor goes into snow as Torvald's tape runs out. Krator turns off the monitor. Krator crosses to the table where he keeps the termination rings. He picks one up and puts the ring on his finger. All the while the baby continues babbling. Suddenly Hatherdal bursts from the shadows with a leg of Krator's mother's pantyhose over her face. The other legs Hatherdal wraps around Krator's neck. A struggle ensues. Krator and Hatherdal tumble about the room and knock everything over except the gut purple baby, who keeps babbling. Krator rips the panty hose from Hatherdal's face. He begins overpowering her. Suddenly he stops. He looks down at her. He shoves her away from him. He grabs Deatherian Detector from the Termination Bed and zaps her with it. It beeps and beeps.).


Just as I thought. You are a Deatherian. You are trying to have me kill you.


Of course.


How did you know?


All the women in my family are crazy, we are electrical wires, goddesses electrocute us. "Beep beep beep beep beep," but now I know for sure.

(She laughs and dances with glee.)


I can't stand it.

(Krator starts for her. She stops and looks him in the eye.)


Go ahead, kill my fucking ass. That way I'll get a head start on you. This is war, big brother. I'll see you in the next life, fucker.

(Hatherdal runs and dives out the window. Krator runs and looks out the window. He shouts after Hatherdal.)


I don't care about you. We can fight, we can fight forever.

(Krator crosses to the Black Box. He picks it up and holds it in front of him.).


My darling, Morivia, I am yours forever. If you are born a man I will be your boyfriend, if you are a girl and I am a girl, I will be your girlfriend, if you are a dog I will let you fuck me, if you are a fly, I will keep you in a jar. I love you, Morivia, here I come!

(Krator pushes the button on the black box and sparks fly. Krator quakes. A great rock chord fills the speakers. It builds and builds. Gradually the sound of white noise rises out of the background, as it grows louder the lights get brighter until the set is unbearably bright, then abruptly, the lights begins to dim and the white noise subside as the sound of the Baby is heard on the speakers. As The Baby speaks the lights begin to fade and a special rises on him.)

The Baby

There is this man walking around. He's high on lotus flowers. He sees this thing sticking out of the sand. He finally realizes what it is. It's the mast of a ship. He suddenly remembers that he came here on a ship. He remembers a name. He runs to his men and he tells them that he thinks they're his crew. He tells them not to eat the lotus. He remembers how a ship is made and he describes it to them. (The white noise fades out.) They have a hard time listening, they keep listing and drooping but they finally get it and they build a ship. Most of them don't know what they've built. But the guy, now that he's gotten off the flower, is beginning to remember what a ship does. They put it on the fluid they have just now remembered as "the sea." (There is the sound of ocean surf.) It floats! The guy tells them to get on the ship and see what happens. They do. And low and behold they see the skin they tied around a pole fill up with air and blow the ship out to sea. By now most of the boys think they know who they are and are tacking and pulling ropes, pumping the oars, making that thing come into motion. "Yes, "they think, "we're sailors of Odysseus!" And once upon the Ocean they remember that they are wanderers, trying to get home and that they've thrown their lot in with this crazy guy who has money. Now they are at sail and the world is moving. (There is only the sound of white noise.) The Beginning has Begun Again.

(The white noise grows very loud then begins to thin out into higher frequencies as the special fades on The Baby).


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