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The Exquisite Corpse - A Journal of Letters and Life
Edited by Andrei Codrescu
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the making and unmaking of person
The Book of (Demotic) Revelations and (Common-sense) Epiphanies

Alien Abductions
by Michael Rerick

Special to the Corpse

Heavy sightings in Italy during the winter of 1978 inspire suspicions in the San Fernando Valley, California, that lights in their sky are somehow responsible for the gas crisis. OPEC declines comment. Some interpret the Egypt-Israel peace treaty as a sign of pyramid landing ports and applaud the adoption of the MX missile. Some whisper that US in-migration west and south is a governmental ploy to adapt citizens to South Korean and Iranian climates, as aid flows. Nothing can be done about Nicaraguan communism, so the Cold War continues. Sightings of disks on the rise, abductions frequent, xenophobia confused--the media is silent.




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