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Doru Chirodea's Self-Translated Horses PDF E-mail
Doru Chirodea lives in London, which is why his horses have a whiff of British in translation.

mi-am făcut o herghelie



17 armăsare

17 iepi

şi juma de bardou


merge biznisu


chiar ieri a venit unu

şi i-am dat să călărească

o libelulă moartă

de sete


m-a plătit bine fraieru

mi-a dat o bucată de câine

care nu avea margini


mare păcat

că aşa n-am cum s-o îngrop


decât în patul tău

care şi-a înghiţit cearşaful


de ciudă că e gol

când e ocupat






i got myself a stable


17 shestallions

17 hemares

and half of a hinny


my business is booming


just the other day

some guy showed up

an i gave m to ride


a dragonfly dying

of thirst


he paid me well the loser

he gave me one chunk of a dog

with no edges


too fuckin bad

this way i cant burry it

but in your bed


that swallowed its sheets

very grudged of being empty


when occupied


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